World-Class Scientific Advisory
That Makes the Difference

Steven Crane is a researcher and innovator based at Stanford University. His life’s work is to study, share, and practice the principles of living that lead to greater wisdom, peace, and prosocial engagement in the world.​

Steven Crane
A behavior designer and innovator based at Stanford University

Dr. Mimi Winsberg is a Stanford-trained psychiatrist and co-founder and chief medical officer at Brightside. She was formerly head of psychiatry at Ginger and the on-site psychiatrist at Facebook’s headquarters.

Mimi Winsberg, MD
A Stanford-trained psychiatrist and
co-founder and chief medical officer at

Dr. Gloria Mark is Chancellor’s professor at University of California Irvine, has been inducted into the Association for Computing Machinery SIGCHI Academy, and has a decades-long career in researching attention, mood and behavior with personal technologies. She has published over 200 articles and her new book Attention Span addresses how to optimize attention, well-being and productivity in the digital age.

Gloria Mark, Ph.D
Chancellor’s professor at UCI decades-long career in attention, mood & behavior research. SIGCHI Academy Member

Occupational therapist and Scholar
Expert in applying cognition in real-world situations.

Talia Maeir
Occupational therapist and Scholar
Expert in applying cognition in real world situations

Michael Schrage is a Visiting Fellow in the Imperial College Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship where he examines the various roles of models, prototypes, and simulations as collaborative media for innovation risk management.
He has served as an advisor on innovation issues and investments to major firms, including Mars, Procter & Gamble, Google, Intel, BT, Siemens, NASDAQ, IBM, and Alcoa.
He has been a contributor to such prestigious publications as the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, strategy+business, IEEE Software, and the Design Management Journal.
Michael Schrage
MIT Sloan school research fellow.
Visiting fellow at imperial college business school
"Bestselling author of Can I Have Your Attention"?
Cultivating strong leaders, productive teams, and happy employees. Head of People and Culture at Venus Aerospace, Founder of Focuswise, Keynote Speaker on Focus & Attention, Author, and Consultant.

Curt Steinhorst
Focus advisor of Nike and Deloitte Top 30 Global Guru