Legendary NBA Basketball Coach Mike Woodson Joins Health Tech Platform Hour25.AI

HOUR25.AI, an algorithm-based digital platform combating a trillion-dollar problem to reduce Internet addictions, increase resiliency and improve well-being at home and at work, today announced that former NBA Basketball Coach, and current Head Coach of the Indiana Hoosiers, Mike Woodson has joined as an Executive Athletic Advisory Board (the “Board”) member and investor.
Michael Woodson is an American basketball coach and former professional player who is currently the head coach of the Indiana Hoosiers Men’s Team. As a player, Woodson played for 10 years in the National Basketball Association (NBA) and then spent his entire coaching career in the league before being hired by Indiana. He served as head coach of the Atlanta Hawks from 2004 to 2010 and the New York Knicks from 2012 to 2014. He joined Indiana, his alma mater, as head coach in 2021, after serving as an assistant coach for the Los Angeles Clippers and New York Knicks.
The Executive Athletic Advisory Board and roster of investors consists primarily of professional athletes, sports business leaders and influencers including Chairman and Phoenix Suns analyst Eddie Johnson, sports business leader Eric Rubin, and Phoenix Suns VP of Player Relations Mark West.
“I am thrilled to join the Hour 25.AI Executive Athletic Advisory Board,” said Mike Woodson. “Hour25.AI is a game-changing technology, offering users an incredible tool to remain focused, build resilience, and increase productivity. I am excited to be on a winning team that is making such a meaningful impact on students, corporations, and individuals.”
“We are equally pleased to have Mike join Hour25.AI’s Board and roster of investors,” said Founder & CEO Yair Nativ and Phoenix Suns Analyst/Chair of Advisory Board, Eddie Johnson. “Mike embodies the spirit of Hour25.AI’s mission, while also making a positive impact on students’ wellbeing. We look forward to working with Mike moving forward.”
“Coach Woodson is the ideal addition to Hour25.AI’s Executive Athletic Advisory Board,” added Eric Rubin, a member of the Board and Hour25.AI’s Director, Business Development. “Coach has achieved success at both the college and professional level and clearly understands the importance of focus and resilience. He works with university students to correct and instill the proper habits that will help them achieve long-term success. We are honored that Coach Woodson has joined the Hour25.AI team.”
Hour25.AI’s Executive Athletic Advisory Board provides business guidance, expertise, networking, and direct investment in the company. The Board is continuing to recruit additional athletes, sports business leaders, and influencers to join the team.
About HOUR25 AI:
HOUR25.AI is an algorithm-based digital platform combating a nearly trillion-dollar and growing problem worldwide. The platform helps users analyze negative behavior in real-time and provide real-time interventions and exercises that create resilience and better, healthier tech usage habits.
For more information, visit http://www.hour25.ai.