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AI or Die: A Guide for Visionary Educators.
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Prof. Nir Eisikovits Umass, Boston ⭐Thom Kennon Yeshiva, NYU ⭐
Thom Kennon, NYU ⭐Yael Megiddo, RUNI ⭐
Dr. Michael Middleton, Ramapo⭐Lauren Owen, Brain Station ⭐
Michael Schrage, MIT ⭐ Oran Sheinman, Shenkar ⭐
Jason Steinhauer, Bestselling Author ⭐Curt Steinhorst, Venus Aerospace ⭐Jacqueline Strayer, Columbia NYU ⭐
M.D. Ezra Tefera, Brandeis University ⭐M.D. Mimi Winsberg, Stanford ⭐Daniel Yahel, Jolt ⭐
Editors: Dr Maria Blekher and Yair Nativ
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